
Showing posts from November, 2023

What is an Orchid Flower? Orchid Flower Care?

 Orchid flowers are a perennial plant species. Orchid flowers are the largest family of the flower family and are distributed almost everywhere in the world. There are 900 different genera of orchid flowers in the world. There are approximately 20,000 species of these 900 genera of orchids. While some of the orchid flowers live directly in the soil, most of them live on other plants.  Orchid flower care is quite difficult, but when you apply simple rules and follow the rules of care, you can easily care for orchid flowers. Here are the points you should pay attention to in orchid flower care procedures. The first thing to be considered in orchid flower cultivation and care is to create a suitable environment. The second important point in the care process is to pay attention to the watering, feeding and pruning of the orchid flower. The most important and last aspect of orchid care is to effectively control diseases and pests. To prepare the best environment for orchid flower care, it

How Roses Are Used in Landscaping

Those who prefer rose plants for landscaping should choose one or more of the following rose species. We will offer you recommended rose varieties that you will choose according to your landscaping area.  Hedge and ground cover roses; in parterres and borders as a border element and as a decorative material used, a large number of colors over a single color in monochrome design with rose planting and that they have value.  Climbing and climbing roses; climbing and climbing roses structural landscape element on the border when used in combination with rustic and that the wall in front and in the vertical garden facility by evaluating its winding properties is seen to create a visual feast. Climbing roses; roses commonly used in garden arrangements and is used in pergolas, columns, on the trunks of old trees. they are effective at wrapping. They have eye-catching colors and grow fast. There are small and abundant blooms as well as large blooms. Garden border roses; they can be used to co

What is a Rose? Where is the Motherland of Roses?

 Roses, whose homeland is the Far East and Iran, are available in red, white and yellow varieties. There are also varieties of roses used in many different sectors, especially in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. What are the Characteristics of Rose; Roses are mostly grown in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania. Rose Damascena is the most cultivated type, both because it is easy to care for and because its oil is used in cosmetics. The most important point to be considered in rose care is room temperature. The rose, which is not resistant to cold climates, does not like too hot environments. This flower should be grown in iron-rich soil and the soil should be renewed once a month. It is possible to grow roses not only in sandy but also in clay soils. While it is sufficient to water once a week in autumn and winter, it should be watered every 2 days in summer.  Exposure to direct sunlight shortens the life of the rose. For this reason, roses should be kept in dimly lit places. The l

How to Care for Begonia Flower?

 Begonia Flower species grow very well mainly in temperate climates. Begonia Flower Colors; It blooms in red, white and orange colors. Begonia flower is a type of flower that grows easily indoors or in office environments. It is generally easy to care for. Begonia Flower Homeland; It grows in America, Africa and Asia. It is very important to put it in a place that will get sun in the morning. It will be enough to take a little care for its development to be lush and healthy. It loves water very much, Begonia Flowers are watered every two days to keep them in good condition.  Begonia Flowers will dry out if they are constantly in a shady environment, it is very important for the development of the flower to be placed in a place that will receive the morning sun. Begonia is a species that grows indoors as ornamental and decorative.  Watering is done every 2 days. Colors are red, white and orange. It should not stand in the sun all the time. It is important that the Begonia Flower stands

Is the peony flower suitable for the garden?

 Gardening with peony flowers, Peony Flower is known as the spring flower. The smell is very nice. If you want to plant a peony flower, it should be in a place that will see the sun. It should see the sun for an average of 6 to 8 hours a day. This is a very important factor for the development of the Peony Flower. Peony Flower can grow in all soils. If Peony Flower species will be preferred in gardens, it is important that your garden can receive sunlight at most times of the day. Planting should be about twice as deep as the size of the roots. Easy to care for. Gardening with peony flowers Peony Flower Colors, The Peony Flower has dazzling colors; pinks, corals, cranberries, whites, yellows and reds. Peonies grow well in vases. It is a type of flower that is mainly used in weddings. Peony species are generally divided into two;  - Herbaceous Peonies; They can easily grow in gardens, they grow in all climatic conditions. It blooms in spring and loses its effect towards the end of autum

Where is the sunflower used as an ornamental plant?

 Use of sunflower as an ornamental plant, Sunflower, which is used in landscaping gardening areas, creates very beautiful images. Sunflower; There are more than 60 varieties belonging to the genus Helianthus, a compound flowering plant belonging to the dahlia (Daisy) (Astereceae) family. While the varieties belonging to Helianthus annuus L. species, which is one of the annual forms of sunflower, which has perennial and annual species, are grown as oil and nuts in our country, H. tuberosus L. species is grown as yams.  There are varieties of H. annuus species with flowers of various colors and are used as ornamental flowers. The color of the petals of the sterile flowers located at the outermost part of the flowers can be single or mixed in different colors ranging from pale yellow to dark red. In some plants, the presence of anthocyanin in different organs of the plant can cause the middle color of the flower plate to vary from green to black. Use of Sunflower in Landscaping Similarly,